Friday, April 11, 2008

Status Quo

Not dead.

Tassu is going through exams and stuff, I'm working my ass off.

I did take today off to catch up on sleep [Friday]. I managed to finish off Code Geass and watch the first episode of season 2. I was personally surprised. It seemed like a repeat of the first episode of series one. Sure, it was slightly different, but still followed the same pattern. Carefree lifestyle, skip school to play chess [different venue], and then some turn of events leads to Lulu meeting C.C. and then she gets shot, and then he remembers/gains power, then he kills some people with his power. It's like someone hit copy + paste with a different animation filter. -grind teeth-

And Tsuikana [refer: #FAKKU] pointed out, the intro featured new NightMares. THEY LOOK LIKE FRIGGN' GUNDAMS! CHRISTCAKES~!

-runs off to watch Spice and Wolf-